The Dexter New Blood Outfits

 It was easy to be skeptical when Dexter: New Blood was first announced. The descent into ignominy of the original series is well documented by this point, with the Monty Python-evoking finale infamous even among those who never watched the show.

DEXTER: NEW BLOOD Merchandise As such nobody was exactly losing their minds over the prospect of a revival, but there was reason for hope due to the involvement of Clyde Phillips; Dexter’s original showrunner who left after the high-watermark fourth season and had gone on record as despising the finale. The promise was that this new series would be a corrective of sorts that would finally offer a “real” finale. However it was always stipulated that, either refreshingly or worryingly depending on your perspective, the new series wouldn’t be erasing any of the old one. Lumberjack Dexter still happened. That skin-crawling subplot about Deb being in love with her adopted brother still happened. “Hello whore” still happened. Harrison on the treadmill… the list of embarrassing moments goes on. But to his credit, Phillips chose to honor the fandom by not being selective with canon (cough, Halloween, cough) and used where we last saw Dexter to kick off a new chapter. read more


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